Festival Date April 27,2025 time TBU
Application due date April 20,2025
at Gradus Ad Parnassum Music Academy
1529 S B St, San Mateo, CA 94402

Click here for Application Form

Rules and Requirements
    1. The Chamber and Vocal music Festival is open to voice contestants and any kind of ensemble
    2. Participants from 6 to 25 years old are welcome:
      DivisionAge Time Limit
      Elementary6-84 minutes
      Intermediate9-126 minutes
      Advanced13+9 minutes
    3. Application Fees:
      • Voice – $45 per participant
      • Duos and 4 hands piano ensembles – $40 per participant
      • Trios – $35 per participant
      • Quartets or 8 hands (2 pianos) – $30 per participant
      • Ensembles of 6-8 – $20 per participant
      • Ensembles of 9 and up – $15 per participant
      • ****Applications for each member of an ensemble must be completed by the participant or participant’s parent and mailed in one envelope per ensemble by the teacher.
    4.  All pieces must be in its original form.
    5. The Festival will take place at:
      • Transfiguration Episcopal Church
      • 3900 Alameda de las PulgasSan Mateo, CA 94403
    6. All participants will receive a participation award.
    7. The Festival is open to the public.